Still working on stirring and organizing my stash in the upstairs bedroom. Also, knitting on the Newsom sweater by Bristol Ivy in burgundy alpaca. It is an interesting construction! Body and sleeve are finished and joined. Working on the yoke now. The sweater is an easy knit.
Also, started vanilla socks in a light lemonade color of cotton and bamboo yarn. I'll go back to the more complex knitting later. For right now, simple is all I care to do.
We painted our grandsons room, a light Bahamas blue green. He wanted kelly green, but that was swiftly vetoed. It took half a day to paint the ceilings and walls and another 6 hours to paint the woodwork. It looks nice. We hope he likes it!
Spent a week with our son in Pennsylvania. Helped strip wallpaper off the walls of our grandson's bedroom. This can be tricky in a 180 year old house. Because the previous owners didn't prep the wall before they papered, there was a great deal of spackling that had to be done before we could paint. We finished the painting and pulled up the carpet and padding. Lots of staples! As our son was pulling up the tack strips around the edge of the room, he commented that it was criminal to put nails in such beautiful hard wood floors.
I left the next day with the furniture still needing to be moved back in the room. Drove to Virginia and stay with nephew and his wife at their farm. Left to drive home after chores were done and we had eaten breakfast. Good farm fresh eggs, milk and blueberries! Yumm!
Home again and tired.